You are a

Talent Magnet

The “Talent Magnet” or “Personnel Manager” is responsible for employees in service, during their service, but also during their recruitment and long afterwards.

We often hear that “Image” is important. Also that employees want and want “Purpose” and “Meaning”. These are not empty words. Employees want purposeful interpretations of their job and their daily tasks and responsibilities linked to it. This does not only concern 'new or young generations', it is equally true for the 'longer existing generations' within the organization.

They look at the impact on People. Their fellow human beings. Their employees, customers, suppliers. Radiate that and breathe that. That ambition reaches far and it has to! That is why a strong and human 'magnet' attracts the right talents. To lead the company together towards a sustainable future. "Intrinsic values, standards and drivers" sound like magic words for them, their employees and the organization.

They embrace and stimulate collaboration and therefore consciously acquire “ownership” on board the 'ship'. They share successes and thus multiply the impact. Make the organization, together with the employees, grow thanks to education and training. Create an environment where a strongly cohesive “driving force” of human capital continuously and sustainably propels the organization forward.

“Strong together as a cog!” is their motto.

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