CIRCULIFE in Nieuwe Maan Mechelen

CIRCULIFE in New Moon Mechelen

CIRCULIFE offers companies the opportunity to reuse their ICT devices, such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, and even medical equipment, and resell them locally instead of letting them end up on the waste mountain. Virginie Versavel of CIRCULIFE...
VITO + CIRCULIFE = Een Duurzame Oplossing

VITO + CIRCULIFE = A Sustainable Solution

CIRCULIFE's participation in VITO4STARTERS in March 2024 did not go unnoticed; we became runner-up and thus the collaboration with VITO started. CIRCULIFE offers companies a solution to reduce the e-waste mountain by circularly managing electronic...
CIRCULIFE vermeld door Vlaanderen Circulair

CIRCULIFE listed by Flanders Circulair

Did you know that in Belgium more than 90% of the companies buy their ICT devices themselves? CIRCULIFE helps these companies to extend the lifespan of their devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets through local repair and reuse. Other devices such as...
CIRCULIFE vermeld in Knack

CIRCULIFE mentioned in Knack

Our Founder & CEO, Virginie Versavel, recently gave an interview to Knack about the importance of a circular operation in companies and how CIRCULIFE facilitates this. In the article she explains that taking care of your company laptop is good for the environment,...
.EU website extension

.EU website extension

Time to highlight the shift towards the “.EU” website extension for! As CIRCULIFE looks at international partnerships within the European territory. But above all because a community of up to 1.5 million entrepreneurs understood that...
Stad Mechelen – Sluit de Cirkel – Mechelen

City of Mechelen – Close the Circle – Mechelen

Mechelen – The City of Mechelen’s Close the Circle event brought together many interested parties around Circular Economy! Happy that CIRCULIFE could present to this fantastic audience. And a sincere “Thank you!” to the organization of this...