Did you know that in Belgium more than 90% purchases their IT equipment from companies themselves? CIRCULIFE helps these companies extend the life of their devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets through local repair and reuse. Other devices such as e-bikes, scooters, solar panels and medical devices can also be monitored by CIRCULIFE. This helps organizations reduce operational costs, work more efficiently and optimize their profits.

Founder and CEO Virginie Versavel is a big believer in maximizing profits and minimizing waste. She believes that companies can save up to 45% by using materials wisely and purchasing them locally or giving them a second life.

For example, in Belgium, 2.7 million smartphones are replaced every year. It is financially more beneficial to use these devices for longer through local repairs and to sell or donate them locally after use. This is more sustainable than exporting or throwing away.

CIRCULIFE wants to help companies make this transition and act as a link between companies, manufacturers and local repairers. If companies use their devices for two years longer, 30% reduces CO2 emissions and increases sustainability. This creates a win-win-win situation for everyone involved.

Read the full article from Flanders Circulair here: https://vlaanderen-circulair.be/nl/doeners-in-vlaanderen/detail-2/circulife