Our Founder & CEO, Virginie Versavel, recently gave an interview at the Knack about the importance of a circular operation in companies and how CIRCULIFE facilitates this.

In the article, she explains that taking care of your company laptop is good for the environment because it extends the lifespan of the laptop, reduces energy consumption through more efficient use, and reduces the amount of electronic waste. This can be achieved through regular maintenance, such as cleaning fans and updating software, as well as recycling and reusing old laptops. Companies can make their employees aware of the sustainable use of equipment, which contributes to compliance with ESG sustainability standards.

Read the full article here: https://www.knack.be/nieuws/milieu/klimaat/klimaatoptimisten/waarom-zorg-dragen-voor-je-bedrijfslaptop-goed-is-voor-de-planeet/