You are a

Operational Manager

The “Operational Manager” looks at the supply chain, the lead time of the supply chain, the technical lifespan, maintenance, repairs of the equipment on a technical level, and disposes of these devices in case of surplus, underutilization or replaces them in case of outdated technology. But in production environments they also work on the storage of raw materials, together with their production managers.

Delays in the chain give them challenges around technical unemployment and other potential costs associated with it. They experience “overstocks or dead stocks”, and “underused or defective products” as dormant capital that impacts the cash flow of the organization at various levels and therefore must be kept as optimal as possible with the necessary tools. Repairs with recognized partners give them confidence to provide devices and other assets with an extended life locally, in addition to the possibility to guarantee a short chain in production through “urban mining”.

These ways of acting help them and the organization to secure cash flow, shorten technical chains and thus improve the image by calculatingly reducing the emissions of their organization and products.

They are neutral of brands and partners, thanks to a well-founded and mandatory transparent selection. They ensure that a value is received for everything. Thanks to efficiency, conscious actions and overall involvement.

This powerful position gives this lord and master an indisputable role in the value chain.

“Transport is a sport. Transparently value the refined art!” you will hear them say it more and more often!

Discover what CIRCULIFE can do for you